coaching is supportive, non-judgmental and powerful…

Simply put, coaching is the process and the steps you take to help you get from where you are now to where you most want to be in life.

Coaching is for you if you’re ready to challenge yourself to put an end to self-limiting thought patterns and negative beliefs so your natural abilities, skills, talents and gifts will shine their brightest. It is a professional relationship between you and your coach that:

  • Provides a safe space for you to be heard and understood;

  • Helps you get clear and focused about who and where you most want to be in life, and empowers you to take steps to get there in a way that’s right for you; and

  • Empowers you to push your boundaries, confront your fears, know yourself, love yourself and be yourself authentically and unapologetically.

your best life starts with who you want to be.

Coaching is NOT for you if you’re looking for advice about how to get people like you or instantly manifest the perfect image, partner, body, job, car, house, or family. I’m not your gal here. I don’t do instant makeovers because I’m not interested in helping you pretend to be someone you’re not.

I currently connect with clients via phone or Skype. Coaching over the phone is just as effective as in person coaching and also allows you to be in your own comfortable and relaxing space wherever it may be.

If you’re unsure whether coaching is for you or if you want to ask questions and learn more about how life coaching works, I offer a free, no obligation 30-minute consultation session. You can book your session by contacting me through this website.